PriceSpy UK

Product lists

Gather your favourite products in product lists and you’ll get a clear overview both on your computer and on your mobile.

Plan your purchases quick and easy

Product lists make it easy to keep track of your future purchases. You see the lowest price for each product and the total sum for everything on the list. Perfect for when you’re planning to build your computer, buy Christmas presents, or birthday gifts. You can also compare all the products in a product list if you want to see what differs between them.

Create as many lists as you want

Product lists can work for many things and you can create as many as you need at PriceSpy. Regardless of whether you need one or a hundred lists, it’s no problem - let your imagination run wild!

Share your lists with others

Did you know that you can share lists with family and friends? By default, your list is only visible to you, but you can choose to show it to others on PriceSpy or share it with selected people through a link.

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